March 7, 2024

Many times, I have witnessed Jennifer’s wisdom, skill, and thoughtfulness from the upper rows of the Harriett Todd Lecture Hall in Donaldson Auditorium, from the seat beside her at our board meetings, in the parlor room at Bemis Hall, and on the grass at Pierce Park. She is everywhere in town, and wherever she goes, she is taking care of business and bringing people together.

I remember in 2012 when Jennifer was Chair of the School Committee, that she pursued the most fiscally responsible decision the town could make: a $49 million school project that would only cost the town $29 million after state funding. Her knack for designing inclusive processes that promote community input showed in the many forums and charettes ahead of the town vote for the project. That vote failed, but Jennifer immediately invested effort, resourcefulness, and persistence into restarting the process.

Incredibly dedicated, she volunteered for School Building Committee #2, that resulted in the recently finished school project. I remember watching Jennifer and her committee colleagues, over many cycles and numerous hours, debate options for reducing inflation-driven cost projections back in line with budget.

Concurrently with SBC #2, she was on the Select Board where she led the town’s Property Tax Study Committee. Anticipating that school building costs might exceed the financial means of some residents, this committee researched ways to provide relief. The committee’s proposal was approved at Town Meeting and submitted to the state for approval.

When the Water Commission needed a temporary member, she volunteered to serve as a Commissioner and assist the Commission in identifying financially responsible options for implementing essential upgrades to the filtration system, as required by regulators.

Jennifer wants you to be informed and works hard at it. She has been instrumental in connecting Select Board members to residents, with meetings in locations beyond Town Offices. There have been regular Ask A Select Board Member drop-ins at Bemis Hall, Lincoln Woods, Battle Road Farm, Parent Teacher Organization meetings, and Parks & Recreation concerts and summer camp drop off time. She is the editor-in-chief of the Select Board Newsletter you receive in the mail.

We saw her at Pierce Park commemorating Memorial Day, July 4th, Black Lives Matter, Pride Progress, and standing behind a table providing information on Lincoln’s committees.

In so many ways, she visibly demonstrates how much she cares about Lincoln, its schools, municipal services, infrastructure, and people. She has a long history of pursuing inclusive processes and long-term value for our tax dollars.

Jennifer cares about you, and our town. I respectfully ask that you join me in voting her back onto the Select Board on March 25.

Jonathan Dwyer