February, 2024

To my fellow Lincoln residents,

I write to announce my candidacy for re-election to the Select Board for a 3-year term, and I respectfully ask for the support of Lincoln’s residents and voters.

As a community, we often ask ourselves hard questions: Who are we? Who do we want to be? And what actions should we take to get there? During my time on the Board, I have found it helpful to regularly challenge myself to think about these questions because they keep me focused on principles of holistic planning and collaborative decision-making. My interest in exploring those questions and dedication to upholding those principles guides my work with individuals, other committees, regional colleagues, and Lincoln’s professional team, and continues to motivate me as I seek the honor and privilege of serving the town for another term.

Since I joined the Board in 2017, we as a community have weathered a pandemic, completed the Lincoln School renovation project, drafted a climate action plan, continued work on exploring the town’s role in fostering diversity, equity, inclusion, and anti-racism, and chosen paths forward both for a Community Center building project and for rezoning that is compliant with the Housing Choice Act of 2021.

All of these topics are complex, nuanced, and require our willingness to share ideas, reshape our own perceptions, compromise, and trust that while we may have differences of opinion, we are all dedicated to building a strong, caring, and resilient community.

Together, we have been able to move forward with this hard work because we have a skilled and knowledgeable professional team, dedicated volunteers on our town boards and committees, and engaged residents. And we have also been able to tackle these issues because of the capacity of Lincoln residents to consider each question on its merits, and to recognize and value the fact that as individuals we can disagree with our friends, neighbors, and colleagues on one topic and then work closely together and in complete alignment on another. That is an enormous strength of our community!

If you have not met me and want to learn more about my volunteer work in Lincoln, please visit my public group FaceBook page (Jennifer Glass, Lincoln Select Board). And if you have questions or ideas, please reach out to me directly.

I am deeply grateful for the opportunity you have given me to serve the Lincoln community and to the colleagues who guide me. With your support, I look forward to continuing to contribute to the work of the town. Again, I ask for your vote at the town election on Monday, March 25th.


Jennifer Glass
11 Stonehedge Road
[email protected] (town email)
[email protected] (personal email)